$6.99 Light Saver at ACE Hardware
What mysterious force impact’s Xmas lights as they quietly lay in their season storage box? Why does a string of lights that worked just fine when they were taken down, spontaneously destruct while safely stored? Doesn’t seem to matter if it is a name brand light set or a no-name, expensive or cheap, some bizarre electrical failure seems to occur year after year when putting up lights. Help is at hand. http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2147033&cp=&sr=1&origkw=christmas+light+tester&kw=christmas+light+tester&parentPage=search&searchId=20022359953
Ace Hardware, $6.99 and it works. It features headlight LED beam to help illuminate the working area, a built-in storage case and a beeping sound that helps locate problem. It works, it’s not perfect but it works. They also have a similar tool for $23.00 that my son finds works terrific and he claims it is better than mine. I guess when I buy the lights on 50% off and spend maybe $2.50 for a string of 100, I am resistant to spending $23 for a tool when my $6.99 one works just fine. Anything that decreases holiday frustration $23 or $7, is well worth the price, tech rules!
What mysterious force impact’s Xmas lights as they quietly lay in their season storage box? Why does a string of lights that worked just fine when they were taken down, spontaneously destruct while safely stored? Doesn’t seem to matter if it is a name brand light set or a no-name, expensive or cheap, some bizarre electrical failure seems to occur year after year when putting up lights. Help is at hand. http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2147033&cp=&sr=1&origkw=christmas+light+tester&kw=christmas+light+tester&parentPage=search&searchId=20022359953
Ace Hardware, $6.99 and it works. It features headlight LED beam to help illuminate the working area, a built-in storage case and a beeping sound that helps locate problem. It works, it’s not perfect but it works. They also have a similar tool for $23.00 that my son finds works terrific and he claims it is better than mine. I guess when I buy the lights on 50% off and spend maybe $2.50 for a string of 100, I am resistant to spending $23 for a tool when my $6.99 one works just fine. Anything that decreases holiday frustration $23 or $7, is well worth the price, tech rules!