Not long ago I wondered what value I was getting from my website. I don’t sell on it. I use it to inform people about my writing. $72/year was not exorbitant but besides having an email address that was to my website, what was I getting.
I pondered that and then Googled free websites and read reviews and read more reviews and then more reviews. I’m convinced that there is a positive, a negative and a neutral opinion on everything and it is on the web. I settled on Weebly. I haven’t found Google Adsense a revenue generator. If I had, I probably would not have chosen Weebly. The most frequent complaint I read about Weebly was that they take 50% of your Adsense revenue. Well, 50% of nothing is nothing so I wasn’t overly concerned about that.
They have a slick interface and idiot proof tools for creating and more importantly maintaining your website. It is easy to use, highly customizable and dismayingly more professional than the site that I had laboriously created myself using such antiquated tools as Pagemaker, Dreamweaver and WebPlus 4X. Not to mention software that I didn’t use long enough to remember its name.
So after a month, I am happy with what I created at Weebly…FOR FREE!