Ransomware viruses
are still proliferataing. A very
official pop-up that suggests that you have been (pick more than one):
1.downloading child
2.pirating software
copyright laws
4.indulging in
inappropriate Internet activity
5.selling child porn
6.soliciting child
7. having
inappropriate relations with animals
And ad nauseum
The more popular
crapware says it is from the Department of Home Land Security or the Department
of Defense or Immigration Authorities and if you don’t submit your “fine” of
$300 (varies) within 48 hours, you will be arrested.
I assured a panic
stricken teen that this was a scam. It
still took two days to get the insidious virus that locked his system off of
his computer. I spoke to a Latino who
was threatened with deportation if the “fine” was paid immediately.
With the revelations
of what the NSA has been doing, these fraudulent schemes become more
believable. Even if you Google a
solution you have to be careful as some of the solutions assure you they can
clean off your computer for only $25.00 down and $10.00 a month to keep it
clean. Probably is the company that
wrote the virus in the first place.
My advice is to
practice safe computing to avoid the situation in the first place. Avoid places that harbor these
miscreants. Music and movie download
sites are a hotbed of computer diseases.
Porn sites are rampantly infected.
Protect your self with a robust anti-virus package from a major
company. Many such as AVG and AVAST are
Here is the link for
the Microsoft page that will help you get your computer back when ransomware
has hijacked it. Microsoft
Malware Protection Center
Good luck and safe