Please read the entire review, my opinion changed based on superb customer service.
This looked like a good product. My first dismay was the astounding difficulty to get into the product. The plastic clam shell was nearly impervious to my special packaging cutting tool. Then the liberal application of tape on the pieces that were already carefully sealed in their molded plastic pockets compounded my frustration. Once I got it open, I read the brief overview and took it to the garage to test. I attached the leads with the power port (formerly known as a cigarette lighter receptacle) adapter and then plugged it into the power port in my SUV. BTW I am a bit concerned about the exposed connections on the back. I’m not an electrician but they look like it would be entirely too easy to cross those with something conductive and poof! (The vendor assured me that there is no danger in this type of connection.)

The day after I posted this review there was a response from Energizer customer support. I made contact and had explained to me that my test device ie. Shark Vacuum, exceeded the rating of the inverter and had blown a fuse. That had occurred to me but I was unable to locate a fuse. The rep, explained where the fuse was and how to change it. Even more, he said that they were adding instructions to the product on the location of the fuse and how to change it. But Wait!,in addition they are adding two spare fuses to avoid future issues like I had. The rep asked me to test the inverter with the alligator clips that go directly on the vehicle battery. I did test it and it worked fine. I am waiting to receive the fuses that the rep has sent. When they arrive I will re-test the inverter with the cigarette lighter adapter. I will be back to add further updates. As a note, I review a lot of products and seldom have I seen such superior customer service,up to and including adding directions to the product based on my review. I commend Power Bright Technologies, the manufacturer of the product for their proactive support.
Final Update: I received the fuses and tested the unit again. This time all went fine. I commend the vendor for good customer support and since my original test was beyond the parameters of the tested unit, I have revised my score based on the corrected test and the superb customer support.
From the vendor:
· 500W continuous / 1000W peak power
· Ultra Silent (thermal fan)
· 2 x standard North American AC outlets
· 2 x USB charging ports 2.1A (shared)
· Ipad charging compatible from USB ports
· Tablet charging compatible from USB ports