Recently a good friend regaled me with his lost car keys story. He was in Walmart buying a new TV remote for his 94 year old father. After acquiring the remote he headed for the front of the store. On the way out the door he started doing the pat the pocket for the car keys. Crap, they weren’t in his pocket, he must have dropped them somewhere from the front door to the electronic section. He carefully traced his steps back to electronics but alas, no keys. He asked the electronics clerk if he had found his keys. The electronics clerk asked him who he was. He reminded the guy he just bought the remote, drew a blank look from the clerk and asked him again if anyone had turned in a set of car keys. After being informed no keys had been turned in, my pal started to panic. First how would he get back to his Dad’s apartment? Then he thought, oh crap, if my wife didn’t bring her keys with her, the closest key is 1000 miles away. Walking despondently to the door, he thought he would check the car, in case he had left the keys in it. Imagine his surprise when he reached the car and discovered he had left his keys in the car, along with his wife who was impatiently waiting.
Damn, it is fun growing old.