I believe that wearing a mask is a responsibility and not in any way an abridgment of my freedom. I'm in a high risk category due to age, I don't want to get the virus nor do I want to give the virus. Ergo I feel wearing a mask is a good idea and far better than causing someone else to be wearing a ventilator. Here are some masks that work for me and might work for you. There are some with a flag pattern that might make the folks who feel masks are un-American feel better.
Ear Loops Make Sense, June 19, 2020
I have several gaiters and I find myself pulling them up all the time. The ear loops on this one make so much sense. I also like how it is long enough to tuck into my shirt color. An added bonus is the wide variety of pleasing colors it comes in.
If reviewing a product, it may have been received free of charge. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.