I haven’t tried one of these powerline adapters in several years. They have come a long way. I plugged it in to a secondary switch which is 75 feet from the main router. I then tested it in my basement which gets a weak wireless signal and in my pool house which get an even weaker wireless signal. Both places showed 100mps. It worked seamlessly. I had to look to find outlets without surge suppression though. I’m a firm believer in surge suppression. When I have time I will try and plus a wireless router into this and see how that works. In the meantime, this tested out just fine and for $50 it is a bargain. There are just some places that wireless doesn’t work. Addendum: Two weeks later, I have not been able to replicate my previous success. I went to Actiontec's web site and their does not appear to be any technical notes. I could not get a stea...