I finally bit the bullet and got a smart phone. I decided on the Droid X due to its 8 megapixel camera, RAM capability and 4.3” screen. I looked at getting it for $119.00 through Amazon but when they wanted my Social Security number I decided to go elsewhere. I ended up at a local wireless store that was a Verizon affiliate. I could have gotten BOGO but I had not one that wanted the second phone with it’s required data plan implementation.
I recommend going to a local provider based on service. You may think it is just a phone, why would I need support? First the documentation that comes with the phone is a fold out overview, no details. I did find the manual on-line and downloaded it both to the phone and my computers. The manual is less than stellar. It appears to written for and by intellectually challenged folks. Second this isn’t just a phone, for all intents and purposes this is a full fledged computer.
It has an Office app on it that successfully opens my Word and Excel documents. It has the ability to download myriad applications for practically any purpose. I downloaded a golf range finder app, an e-reader app and Adobe reader. They all worked! I did download a couple of word games too and an old favorite, Bubble Breaker.
Most importantly I actually get a signal at home. The main reason I returned the Droid Incredible was the inability to get a signal at home. I don’t have an inkling why I get a signal with the X and did not with the Incredible but I do.
The offering of a $15.00 per month data plan was what enticed me to make my decision. I’m hoping to use the phones WIFI feature to avoid going over my monthly data plan limit. I was able to download apps using WIFI and to check email and browse.
I am a convert, more to come.