My XP box was aging so I bought a new Windows 7 Acer Aspire. The following is a brief and reasonably unemotional recitation of my less than fun experiences. Needless to say, Win7 has been breaking my heart! Software Under Win 7 Paint Shop Pro from Corel installed and works just fine. FrontPage 2000 installed but since it was an upgrade, it asked where FrontPage97 was and FrontPage 97wouldn’t see Win7. Finally I realized if I put the FrontPage97 cd in the DVD drive and told the install software to check the D: it said great, then I had to put the FrontPage2000 back in and it worked. Yes, I know that there are newer and no doubt better software packages for web work. I own several of them but I still have two client websites I am supporting that I created under FrontPage. Neither client wants to spend the money to have their site redone under a new software package nor I am willing to redo their sites for free. So as long as I can keep FrontPage working, I can...