In previous blogs I have been lamenting my lack of broadband while on vacation. Two of my cronies who have visited have had the Verizon Cellular Modem. It works great! In spite of the fact that I get a lousy phone signal here from Verizon, the modem works just fine. Now if they would come up with a reasonable price. $60 per month for Internet access is steep even if you do want it for travel. It is substantially slower than my Comcast Triple Play setup at home. Frankly I would have gone for the Verizon fiber optics if they offered it in my not so rural location but they don't. So to buy into the Verizon cellular modem, it would be in addition to the current connection at home. So Verizon, how about dropping the price on the wireless modem service? If that doesn't fly could you offer monthly purchase of the service for techno-junkies on vacation with a limited budget? The chances of any one from Verizon reading this, let alone giving a flying duck about it ...