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The Virtually Indestructible Mouse and Keyboard

I am quoting the manufacturer and this is not an endorsement since I haven’t tried one. Being a technut I am prone to seeing things techie and going, ooh! This line of keyboards and mice rate an OOH!

Kids and in my case grandkids have a tendency to be a bit more destructive of computer peripherals than the normal user. Although I am sure gamers of all ages are probably the top of the destructive user food chain.
From the Grandtec website:
  1. The Virtually Indestructible Mouse is a silicone-based optical mouse which features a unique combination of durability and comfort.
  2. The silicone-based material is impervious to most anything including water, coffee and cleaning solutions.
•Disinfect with either self-drying aerosols or cleanse with ammonia- or bleach-based medical grade disinfectants.
•A study conducted by the Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii found that nearly 25 percent of the keyboards sampled harbored bacteria that is responsible for 95% of all hospital-acquired illnesses.

The keyboard I show is the glowing one which is ideal for using when you are computing in the dark. Rumor has it that I am always in the dark so it would be a no brainer for me. Incidentally I paid serious bucks for a glowing keyboard a few years back for a major butt kicking game system for my grandson and Wow, have prices come down.

Check these out if you have little folks or careless big folks using your computer. They might save you some grief and aggravation.

This is not a paid blog.


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