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The Post Lamp Saga

My 38 year old post lamp died recently. I gave it a decent burial for it’s decades of service and tried to find another locally. I had hoped to get poly carbonate since I never had to paint or do any maintenance whatsoever on the old light. Alas the only lights I could find in poly carbonate were about half the size of my original light.

I also discovered that the people who make post lamps or perhaps just those who sell them locally have the erroneous notion that if you have a post lamp you must be stupid and wealthy. Not one local business had a nice or any black post lamp using an ordinary light bulb for under $100.00.

I prefer to think of my self as financially prudent rather than cheap but I could see no reason to spend $200.00 and more for a post lamp.

After exhausting the local stores and probably annoying them with my don’t you have anything under $100.00 comments I turned to the web.

I found the Kichler - 9956BK - Madison Outdoor Post Lantern in Painted Black for $72.00 several places. Some charged shipping and other charged shipping and handling and some claimed to have free shipping but then added a handling charge once the item was in the shopping cart. CSN Lighting had the light, they had no hidden charges and I have successfully purchased from CSN Stores in the past. I placed the order and I was done. Considering the season, the light arrived timely and installed easily. I received no compensation whatsoever for this post.


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