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Mobile Plate Hunter-900

Although this sounds like something you might see in a Road Runner cartoon, it is a pretty cool tool. This isn’t a money saving tech tip or a philosophic musing, just a Wow, that is a cool device.

The Mobile Plate Hunter-900 is license plate recognition software combined with a camera to enable cops to catch creeps. It has three cameras that record license plates and vehicle images. It can do up to 3,600 per minute and supposedly is not impacted by day, night or inclement weather. Not faulting the human eye or brain but I sincerely doubt most people could process that level of information in a timely manner. The captured images are automatically processed through the data base to determine if any of the plate numbers have been stolen or involved in a crime. It can even tell the officer the type of crime so they can be prepared for the type of perpetrator they will be pulling over.

It isn’t cheap but for about $20,000 you have a tool that greatly enhances the ability of law enforcement to nail the miscreants. It sounds like a very cool tool.

Particulars from their web site:
Real time technology of the MPH-900 greatly increases the odds of resolving issues and in severe situations, can be the difference between life and death. Our advanced License Plate Reader system:
• Captures up to 3,600 license plate reads per minute, day or night, accurately recognizing plates from all 50 states, Canada, Mexico and many Arabic characters
• Processes parked and moving vehicles across up to 4 lanes of traffic, day or night, in any weather
• Transit speed up to 75 mph can be easily managed by our License Plate Reader system. It exceeds the normal speed of vehicles through the pathway (due to pathway infrastructure limitations)
• Allows officers to update “Hot Lists” manually at any time and also query them for new tags that may match a recently captured vehicle
• Alerts officers within milliseconds if a vehicle is suspect
• Works at patrol and highway speeds - oncoming differential speeds in excess of 120MPH and passing speeds in excess of 75MPH, plus; The ALPR translates the license plate data into a digital image, checks versus an onboard hot list, and returns an alarm back to the operator in milliseconds for appropriate interdiction
• Hot Lists can be updated manually or wirelessly
• Officers can search LPR system for previous reads at any time in reaction to notification of a suspect vehicle


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