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1.6 Terabyte DVDs?

For the old timers among us, 5D used to refer to the musical group, 5th Dimensions, i.e. Monday,Monday. No longer can we assume 5D and music now we have to look at storage. If you aren’t happy with the storage capacity on your current DVD, let alone Blu-Ray, wait 5 minutes and a new technology will be out. Future Shock is no longer in the future. A new optical disc format is being developed by researchers at Melbourne Australia’s Swinburne University of Technology. They are rumored to have signed a deal with Samsung to produce their technology. Simplistically they are compounding the amount of data able to be stored on a single DVD. “Ultimately the techniques produced a 5D optical disc capable of storing 1.6 terabytes of data, the equivalent of around 340 DVD movies or 400,000 songs.” iTwire has a very understandable description of the process.

Needless to say excitement abounds in those of us geeky enough to be excited about this type of news. At the moment the big drawback is that the recording technique is slow but with commercialization on the horizon, I have no doubt that issue will be solved. Extrapolation of the technology leads the researchers to believe that the 10 Terabyte DVD is not too far away. Ahh, I remember the advent of the 64k floppy what a heady time. Why do I feel like a geezer?


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