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The Medical Industry’s Lack of Concern for My Time

My guess is that you, too, have found that the medical community has a lack of concern for your time. I am sure the medical community in general does not like the idea of being lumped with the insurance industry but face it if we are lucky enough to have medical insurance we are almost guaranteed to hate the way we are treated.

My insurance company will bill me for a 60 day supply of meds and send me a 90 day supply if I use their mail order pharmacy. That is what they say. What they do is erratically and loosely follow that theoretical policy. The excuses for not fulfilling their obligation vary, generally they blame it on the Doctor’s office. Of course the Doctor’s office feels the insurance company is the root of all evil. Which, on most days, I am inclined to agree.

So not only does this cost me money, it sucks up enormous amounts of time trying to get what I have paid for in my insurance premiums, which are astronomical anyway. My time appears to be their time to waste.

Simplistically, if each and every person we deal with on a daily basis treated us as they would like to be treated, what a different world we would have. Of course, I would have a lot less to bitch about, I mean blog about.


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